Featured Artist
Fiona Kent is a visual artist primarily utilising pastel, but also diversifying into the inclusion of ink, printmaking, charcoal and collage, her work aims to provide opportunities for personal and global responses to environment.
Through the visual exchange and exploration of colour expression, luminosity and mark making, beneath the beauty and the ‘wild’ of the Australian landscape, or any landscape, there always lies hope for a less exploitative future and for all of us to find our personal connection to the land.

Larissa Blake
Larissa Blake is a visual artist based in Orange, N.S.W. A painter...
Joy Engelman
“The drylands are the interface between the known and the unknown. They...
Ross Cohen
“… painting … is an accident. I foresee it and yet I...
Loretta Blake
Orange born Loretta Blake has always enjoyed an interest in art...